Thursday 23 January 2014

How rules have influenced the development of football

The rules in football have developed highly since the 18-1900s because back in these times football was played more commonly as what we now call rugby. It was known back then as mob football and was played with no rules and had crowds of people on the same team this is because there was no officials to keep the game in check. As football became a more professional sport more common rules were laid down because of the high rising amount of injuries that occurred during the games this made the game safer and easier to play without conflict the game was also decided as a passing game not a dribbling game and is now played with the feet.

Fouling rules

Fouling is when one player tries to take the ball from another player by using a means of tackling that isn't allowed. A free kick is given when a referee thinks that the player who committed the foul was reckless, using excessive force or he was careless. The offenses where a free kick is given include kick/trips or attempted kicks/trips, jumps at opponents, charges with excessive force, physically attacking or attempting to attack another player, shoving opponents, committing dirty tackles.

Red and yellow cards

Red and yellow cards are given when a foul is committed by any player from either one of the teams. Red and yellow cards help keep the game balanced and is a way for the referee to remove players who he/she witnesses not abiding by the laws of the game. Red and yellow cards also contribute to the development of the game because they make the game more equal, balanced and safe for the teams.

If a red card is showed to a player it means that player has to leave the pitch for committing an offense. Red cards are given if a player comments a violent foul, attacks the referee or any other player, spits at anyone, handballs on purpose, committing a professional foul, using offensive language or hand gestures and committing less severe offenses and getting two yellow cards this is because all of these breach the rules of the football pitch and are closely monitored by the referee and the officials.
If a yellow card is showed to a player it means that the player is getting a warning from the referee another offense and he/she will be sent of the pitch and wont be allowed to play for the remainder of the game. Yellow cards are given if  a player uses bad language or rude gestures, breaks the pitch laws consistently, wastes time in the game, restricts the amount of space for a corner/ free kick or a throw in and coming onto or leaving the pitch without the referees permission.

Overall I think that these rules are fair suited for both teams this is because  I think that they level the playing field during gameplay. These rules have developed the game of football because they have ensured that game is safer and has certain boundaries that cannot be crossed without consequences.


Taking a dive is what is known amongst players when a player is tackled cleanly but falls to the ground complaining about being fouled and demanding free kick or penalty depending on positioning.

Diving is disliked in football because it is a common form of cheating but sometimes players might be paid to take a dive by another team or their own team. Sometimes a player might take a dive in hopes to turn the tables in the game, this is because if their team is lacking in possession then a successful dive would get them a free kick or penalty depending on where they are on the pitch.

Rules have been devised to stop people from taking a dive. A dive will be considered real if the player who got tackled both his feet leave the ground, if the opponent teams studs were showing, if the tackle was conducted with excessive force this is because when doing any or all of these when going for a tackle will almost always result in someone getting injured.
I think that the rules that were created for diving are suited well to the subject this is because they cover the main elements of taking a dive and how to assess  weather the player is taking a dive or if he/she is really injured this can be judged on the player who committed the tackle because we can see if there tackle had excessive force behind or if it was a clean tackle.

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